
This project is an attempt at exploring the concept of mental health and how it manifests in people. I am interested in examing human behavior and the ways mental health can affect others. My focus is to explore the distinct triggers that derive from one’s mental health issues, including (but not limited to) isolation that was sparked due to COVID-19, and displaying the various methods to cope with mental health issues. Documenting what alleviates one’s personal anxieties and stress. Ultimately, showing the various sides of mental health and representing the experience of spiraling up and down while trying to navigate through life.

My project, “The Spiraling Series,” documents individuals that suffer from anxiety in their daily lives. In this series, I use colored light and blurred effects to create a sense of isolation and stress. I want to challenge the misconceptions about mental health in society. I want to put a lens on people’s often lonely experiences dealing with mental health. This series explores people’s distinct triggers, such as isolation due to COVID-19, along with what relieves their anxiety. Moreover, I am interested in examining human behavior- ultimately, showing the two sides to mental health and representing the experience one can have as they spiral up and down while trying to navigate through life.
